I started my journey on November, 2020 (the 13th to be exact) but even with such a big community as it is FreeCodeCamp for a newbie like me, with absolute no prior background in tech (other than making my own tumblr themes), it could get overwhelming. One of those days i found the #100DaysOfCode challenge on Twitter, decided to take the leap and i couldn't be happier.
What should you expect from the challenge?
Now you must be asking yourself, if you're already far into your journey or even as a code newbie what are the reasons you should join this challenge?
- Consistency 🥇
Do you know that saying that goes practice makes perfect ? Well it's because it literally changes you! As in a biological level. Your brain communicates at a faster speed each time you perform the same task reducing the time you have to wait for a response.
Isn't that amazing?!! It basically means it'll take your brain less time to make connections between the info and the response it should have!
"Effort makes you. [...] It may take time but there’s nothing that gets worse when you practice." - Jeon Jungkook
This is why consistency is key on learning a new language or a new skill, you're training your brain! Now imagine doing something for 100 days straight, that has to count for something when the normal time for a new behavior to be automatic is 66 days, right?
- Public Commitment 👀
I know, i know, but hear me out! Being publicly commited to something means you're going to have higher chances of completing the project you've set to yourself! Don't even get me started of being able to look back on your progress and compare where you are now to where you used to be a month, week or even year ago. That's one of the biggest motivations for those off days we all have.
- Daily Inspiration 🎨
Believe me when i tell you there hasn't been a day i didn't feel inspired by what my friends were working on. You'd be surprised by how many amazing projects are out there that get you motivated enough to be productive.
“The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom...” ― James Clear, Atomic Habits
That's why communities are a great source of creativity, the brain needs that incentive!
- Amazing community 💘
And i'm not just saying that! It has been incredible how supportive and helpful everyone is. It's way different when you have people rooting for you and supporting you on your daily journey than when you're doing it alone.
You'll find yourself surrounded in no time with people that are on the same path and with similar knowledge to you! Equally you'll find yourself looking up to people that are waaay more advanced and that will serve as a north to you on where to go.
- We're all in this together 👯
It's very comforting to know that no one knows everything there is to know or what they're doing, we're all just doing our best, one day at a time and that's more than enough!
You should never think of this as a competition, it's all about being better than the you of yesterday, growing and supporting each other every day to be the best version of yourself you can be because you belong in tech.
Asking questions, writing articles, making content it's all about helping the community and make knowledge more accessible for all. You'll be guaranteed to feel less alone in your journey.
The first step is always the scariest specially when you're overthinking it, one piece of advice is to just close your eyes and take the leap. Stop limiting yourself when no one else is doing it. It definitely worked for me.
Please remember you truly belong in tech! That's something you forget easily specially when you're a newbie but we all start somewhere. Let this be your Day1 not your one day.
I really hope that motivated you to join the challenge, if you're still thinking about it you can browse through the #100DaysOfCode tag on Twitter and see the amazing community helping each other every day.
Thank you so much for reading, my friend! :)
I'll see you in the next one.
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💜Make sure to check out my JavaScript For Newbies Series
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